18 holes and not a golf ball in sight!

Details of the Working Party 18 November 2021

At last the site of the kissing gate in Cleeve Prior had been agreed between the landowners and the County Council. We arrived early to install the gate – the final hurdle on Evesham Vale Circular Walk 3.

Other tasks for the day were the removal of a pedestrian gate and the installation of a new ditch crossing. There was a large amount of material to deliver to the two sites but we were kindly assisted in this by local farmer Mark Rawlings who delivered everything on his low-loader.

Geoff, Dennis, Pam and Malcolm quickly demolished the broken stile and started to dig the holes for the new kissing gate. Pam later reflected “It was hard going negotiating tree roots, mud, drainage pipes, concrete and with a prickly hedge launching a counter-attack. We had to keep digging more and more holes and to furkle around in the mud and water before we were able to get the gate in place. However, as always, we got there, still in good spirits with some energy left to demolish the cakes and biscuits. (Yes ……. Mike remembered to bring the cakes!)”

The second job which we all expected to take longer to complete went particularly smoothly, thanks to the expertise of Mike, Phil and David. Altogether a most satisfactory morning’s work and thanks to everyone who came along.

Alan Saunders
