New gates approved by young walkers

Working Party 17 August 2017

The team: Clive Bostle, Glyn Hayter, Peter Lee-Smith, Alan Saunders, Ken Sefton, Paul Wood

The Club Working Party gathered again in Little Comberton in August to replace two rickety stiles with pedestrian gates, close to the rather charming buildings of Old House Farm.

The stiles were only 50 metres apart and seemed to be holding up the remains of the fencing that ran from one to the other. There was a considerable amount of banter between the “teams” as they took on the work. Louisa, from WCC, provided the equipment (and the tea and biscuits) and generally acted as “gofer” for the members of the party.

The going was remarkable slow, considering that the post holes being dug were into soil, but eventually two pristine gates were installed and the surrounding fencing repaired and improved.

The work attracted a young audience of three local kids who were delighted to be the first “customers” and tested out both the gates before posing for the camera.

The next date for the Working Party is Thursday 19 October. Let Alan know if you are available.

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