‘No pain – Nogains’

Working Party 22 August 2019

Team: Clive Bostle, Chris Francis, Glyn Hayter, Pat Morcombe, Alan Saunders, Dennis Skelcher, Clive Stewart, Geoff Smith, Geoff Thould, Paul Wood

A larger than usual group of volunteers gathered at the Pershore Bridges car park. It was good to see Pat again, and a warm welcome to Chris, a Working Party 'first-timer'.

Our task was to replace two wonky stiles, which were close to the town, with pedestrian gates and we split into two groups to start removing the offending stiles. Paul and Clive Stewart were tasked with replacing the rather old signs on two fingerposts. Paths radiated in every direction and after some discussion two new signs were allocated to each fingerpost.

The group working closest to the town near Nogains was repeatedly interrupted by appreciative walkers complimenting the club on its excellent work.

The pedestrian gates were soon in place and we were able to finish off our tasks in good time to be home for lunch.

