“Far from Grim in Grimley”
Hazel & Paul’s Midweek Ramble – 10 January
(including the Annual Lunch)
18 ramblers gathered at the Wagon Wheel Inn, Grimley, Worcs. on a slightly misty but sunny morning. From there we walked down to the River Severn and along the Severn Way towards Worcester. We walked past Bevere Island, a refuge during the plague and past the picturesque Bevere lock. Chelsea buns were provided to accompany the coffee stop where Canada Geese and many others could be viewed on the wetlands. On reaching Hallow church, we turned away from the river towards Hallow, over the main road and back round toward Grimley. After re-crossing the main road, walkers went near the Camp Lane Pits another wetland area hosting nesting Common Tern, Oystercatcher, Little Ringed Plover, Lapwing and Redshank. In addition it is the county stronghold for nesting Gadwall. Back at the Wagon Wheel, we were joined by 4 other members and we all enjoyed a splendid lunch.Hazel and Paul
“Winter Greetings from Gretton “
Pat & Geoff’s Short Ramble – 17 January
17 people arrived for our walk, a very good turnout considering the forecast of cold wintery weather. Leaving Gretton there was a short gradual climb before reaching Stanley Pontlarge where we brushed up on our Latin translation. There is an interesting bus shelter bearing the inscription QUILIBET IN TEMPESTATE PORTUS. Fortunately the weather was much better than expected and shelter was not required.
Our route crossed and re-crossed the Gloucestershire/Warwickshire railway line then continued North negotiating a number of stiles and arriving at a smart chalet/motor home camping site, deserted at this time of year. Here we turned back along the Winchcombe Way to Gretton.
A few people headed home and the remaining 12 drove a short distance to The Pheasant Inn at Toddington where we enjoyed a tasty lunch.
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