Sunday Rambles

Every month we offer an all-day ramble which usually takes place on the last Sunday of the month. We walk from 10 – 13 miles, usually having a pub lunch and sometimes tea or an evening meal at the end of the ramble. Many of our Sunday rambles are planned as a figure of eight so that members can join for just half the day.

Midweek Rambles

Our Wednesday all-day rambles are slightly shorter and start later than the Sunday rambles. They are usually about 10 miles in length and we often enjoy stopping for a pub lunch. These, like the Sunday rambles are sometimes a figure of eight.

Short Rambles

These are half-day rambles, of about 5 miles, usually on a Wednesday. We enjoy a not too early start and a slightly more relaxed pace than our other rambles, giving us extra time to enjoy the countryside. Often we have a sociable pub lunch before returning home.

Evening Rambles

From April to August we make the most of the daylight hours with a five mile Evening ramble on two Fridays in the month. We aim to finish in time for a social drink at a local pub before returning home.

Saturday Shorts

In response to an expressed need to offer a wider range of rambles to members and prospective members and to build on the success of the club’s Evening Rambles, we have added additional rambles on weekends.

With rambles of between 5 and 15 miles we offer a variety of wonderful walking experiences in the Vale of Evesham, the Cotswolds, the Severn Valley and beyond.

Visitors and prospective members are always welcome. You can walk with us free on three occasions. After that, for insurance purposes we ask you to become a member.

Click here to view the programme page.
