Details of the Working Party 21 October 2021
As the landowners had changed their minds about allowing us to carry out the original task planned for the day, four alternative jobs had been identified in Cleeve Prior – two broken stiles to be replaced by kissing gates, the installation of two waymark posts and the addition of non-slip matting to the four ditch crossings which we had installed on our two previous visits. Parking with utmost care in an extremely muddy field opposite Field Barn Farm, we split into three groups. Tom and Philip disappeared to install the waymark posts; Mike, Geoff, Dennis, Phil and Pam made a start on the first kissing gate close to where Louisa, from County, had parked the van; the remainder of the group concentrated on the second kissing gate down at the bottom of the field. After removing the broken stile and cutting back the hedge on each side, the first kissing gate was soon in place. Sustained by the cakes supplied by Pam, they then headed off, with the non-slip treads, to work on the ditch crossings. The second kissing gate proved more difficult as a large section of hedge and a section of banking had to be removed before it could be fitted into place. However, brute force and perseverance paid off and all the work was completed just after 2.00 pm. Thanks again to everyone who came along on what was a busy day of varied tasks. The next Working Party is scheduled for Thursday 18 November when I’m hoping to install the controversial kissing gate on Evesham Vale Circular Walk 3, postponed from this Working Party. In addition, we’ll be working on a ditch crossing and a further kissing gate close by.Alan