Ain’t no river wide enough! Mind the gap! A Cadbury’s Snack moment! Take your pick!

Alan had asked for a good turn out for this project as it entailed removing an old footbridge and installing a long ditch crossing. Fortunately, eight club members were able to attend and Worcester County Council had Louisa and !!!!! on site too.
There was some observations that the bridge, that we were about to remove, was “quite solid” but closer inspection showed that it indeed needed replacing.
With such a healthy number of crew “bodies” the materials and tools were quickly on site and discussion turned to just how we were going to construct the new crossing, given that the ditch had plenty of water in it and nobody felt inclined to wade in the stream.

In the end the solution was to partially construct the main part of the crossing on top of old bridge before removing the latter. The crew now have a considerable amount of experience and progress was swift. In parallel a kissing gate was installed at the end of the bridge.
As work neared completion the local land owner came by and gave his nod of approval to the works. Again the large team were able to swiftly shift all the old timber and tools back to the WCC van and there was just enough time for a group photograph before people departed.