Working Party Report 31 October

“The work goes on!”

After a short lay off, members of the Evesham Rambling Club Working Party were delighted to be out in the autumn sunshine to carry out improvements on the Evesham Vale Circular Walk 2.

This waymarked route has become a firm favourite with walkers. It links Evesham, Badsey, Wickhamford and Aldington and offers walks of 4, 6 and 8 miles through the local market gardening countryside.

The local landowner, had kindly made excellent improvements to the route over her land, introducing fencing to segregate livestock and removing a troublesome farm gate. The team was tasked with adding a new kissing gate to give better access along the route. Assisted by Heather Bainbridge from Worcestershire County Council, the small team spent the morning installing the gate and some additional fencing.

Evesham Rambling Club maintains seven local walks as well as helping to keep local footpaths fit for purpose. This work was recently recognised when Evesham was awarded Walkers are Welcome status. Local groups, Councillors and the business community campaigned under the banner of Evesham Welcomes Walkers for this recognition and were successful in June. The aim is to encourage people to walk in the Evesham area and in doing so, improve health and also generate business in the town. Currently, Steering Group members for Evesham Welcomes Walkers are approaching local businesses to explain the benefits of a thriving walking community and encouraging them to sign up to promote the scheme.

The ERC Working Party meets on a bi-monthly basis and welcomes volunteers.


The Evesham Journal rehashed this report in its 9 November edition. Click here.
