Party Time

Details of the Working Party 19 August 2021

Having completed all of the required footpath improvements for Circular Walk 2 on the last Working Party, we were now concentrating our efforts on Circular Walk 3 – Offenham, Cleeve Prior and The Littletons. To bring this route up to scratch, four ditch crossings need to be replaced and a kissing-gate and six waymark posts installed.

Our task this month was to replace two of the ditch crossings and install a waymark post off Hoden Lane, Cleeve Prior. We were joined by Louisa and Will from the County PROW Team, who arrived promptly at 10 ‘o’ clock with all the materials we needed. Will was able to drive the van along a rough track to the site of the closest ditch crossing, which was a big help, but we still had to carry heavy timbers across a second field to reach the furthest site.

Glyn and Stefan volunteered to replace the waymark post and the remaining members of the party split into two groups to work on the ditch crossings. The furthest one was soon in place and we took a break to celebrate Pam’s birthday. She had kindly brought cream cakes for everyone, including a ‘special edition’ requested by Glyn. (Was Pam expecting to be wielding a spade and sledge hammer on her birthday when Alan said there was a party on the 19th?!!)

After several members of the group had left, we concentrated our efforts on the second ditch crossing which was proving to be more problematic. We decided to dig out the pedestrian gate that was at the end of the ditch crossing and re-position it so that it would close properly. We also had to reduce the lengths of the crossing planks as they were too long.

A big thank you to all those who worked so hard during the day, and to Pam for the cakes (I only managed to eat three!).

Alan Saunders
